Saturday, March 27

Reproductive Medicine & Herbal Medicine

Your reproductive endocrinologist will not want you to take herbs when you are trying to conceive.

This speaks well of your reproductive endocrinologist because he or she doesn't know anything about herbs and therefore is afraid that they may be harmful to you or to your cycle. He or she has your best interest in mind; they are trying to protect you.

As I am sure that you are aware, there are many acupuncturists/herbalists who don't want you to take Western reproductive medicine. This speaks well of your acupuncturist/herbalist because he or she doesn't know anything about Western medicine and therefore is afraid that they may be harmful to you or to your cycle. He or she has your best interest in mind; they are trying to protect you.

"What we think we know prevents us from learning."

Western reproductive medicine when prescribed by a trained expert is completely safe. I am not aware of any deaths occurring as a result of taking reproductive medicine nor am I aware of an increase in cancer risk when using reproductive medicine within the appropriate guide-lines.

Herbal medicine when prescribed by a trained expert is completely safe. I am not aware of any deaths occurring as a result of taking herbal medicine nor am I aware of an increase in cancer risk when using herbal medicine within the appropriate guide-lines.

Reproductive endocrinologists are experts in a field of medicin, the aim of which is to assist infertile couples to start or grow their families.

Acupuncturists/herbalist who specialize in the treatment of complementary reproductive medicine are experts in a field of medicine, the aim of which is to assist infertile couples to start or grow their families.

"What we think we know prevents us from learning." What reproductive endocrinologists think they know is that herbs are not safe. It is this closed-minded ignornace that keeps them from learning the truth which is that herbal medicine has been used for more than 2500 years to help infertile patients start or grow their families.

"What we think we know prevents us from learning." What acupuncturists/herbalists think they know is that Western reproductive medicine is not safe. It is this closed-minded ignornace that keeps them from learning the truth which is that Western reproductive medicine since it's inception has been responsible for the birth of approximately three million babies.

What reproductive endocrinologists and acupuncturists/herbalists who specilize in complementary reproductive medicine need to learn is that when any medicine is provided to a patient by an expert in their field that expert should be respected and trusted unless there is a reason not to.

What reproductive endocrinologists and acupuncturists/herbalist who specilize in complementary reproductive medicine need to learn is that by combining both modalities of intervention outcomes are improved and patient satisfaction is met or exceeded.

If you are interested in seeking treatment from an acupuncturist/herbalist who has advanced training in complementary reproductive medicine please visit

This way you will know that you are being cared for by an expert in the field of complementary reproductive medicine.

Until the field of reproductive medicine embraces an East meets West approach to care, patients will not be as successful as they could be.

I propose to acupuncturists/herbalists who specialize in complementary reproductive medicine that you try and learn as much as you can about Western reproductive medicine so your ignorance will be destroyed by the light that comes from the acquisition of knowledge.

I propose to reproductive endocrinologists that you try and learn as much as you can about herbal medicine so your ignorance will be destroyed by the light that comes from the acquisition of knowledge.

We all seek the same thing: to help infertile couples start or grow their families.

It is through potentiating the power of our respective modalities of intervention that service to our respective patients will be improved.

Potentiation may be achieved by working together as a team.

Let's leave our egos where they belong: in the void; lets join forces so that together we can facilitate improved outcomes and more effectively serve our patients.

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